What is a Mold Inspection?
Our mold inspection is simply collecting air samples, both in and out of the house, to determine if there is an ‘elevated’ count of mold spores inside the home. We use a calibrated pump and certified lab to to guarantee thorough and professional analysis of the samples. Number of samples taken are determined on the size of the home. During the test, if ‘apparent mold’ is found on a surface, we will also swab it and send it to the lab with the air samples to determine if it’s mold.
How and when are results delivered?
The mold report is a separate document from other reports delivered during our services, and is typically delivered the day after the inspection. In cases where our inspection extends beyond 5pm, you can expect the report two days after the inspection (due to overnight deliver cut off times). Mold reports are not delivered on weekends from the lab; if samples reach the lab on a Saturday or Sunday, anticipate your associated report on Monday afternoon.